
The Tech That Travels With You

These days. we travel for work and for pleasure more often than ever before, and increasingly, we want to take things with us. Whether that’s thing for work, our media centres, or even just something technological for a hobby or entertainment. While some things are still too large to travel well, there are many items of technology [...]


Raspberry Pi vs Arduino

Both being small, tehnological devices, favoured by those who like to get into their devices, customising them, changing them and seeing exactly what they’re capable of doing, both the Raspberry Pi and Arduino are often compared to each other. However, despite how it looks on the face of it, these devices are actually quite [...]


Here’s Why You Need Raspberry Pi

If you haven’t heard of Raspberry Pi, or the Raspberry Pi Foundation, then where have you been? This super cute, brilliant, mini piece of technology is absolutely amazing. Not only is it capable of taking care of everything your regular computer can do, but it does it quickly, and on a tiny scale! The first Raspberry Pi weighed [...]


Summer 2019’s many improvements


New year 2019 and beyond


10’000’000 (million) links, 700’000 users!


Retry failed downloads and other updates


Better FTP, API and performance for Autumn 2018


Summer 2018 Continued Updates at Offcloud


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